Benefits of Outdoor Jogging

A little review about the benefits of jogging in the Outdoor area
For those who live in big cities, a fitness center is the last option for exercise. Although it is not wrong, but a study reported by The Telegraph (20/6), states that jogging in locations such as parks and forests can reduce the risks associated with mental health.

Researchers found the conclusion that running around on the site has a positive effect on the healing of patients with depression and anxiety.

Researchers say even when jogging in the forest to reduce the level of depression by 50 percent compared to those who spend the time to exercise indoors, like at the gym.

Study conducted at the University of Glasgow is presented that is not just jogging, but other forms of activity such as walking, running, or cycling at the site is overgrown grass and trees can reduce stress levels of the brain.

"This is not a serious mental health problems, but problems of a general nature, such as mild depression, insomnia, high stress levels or simply feeling unable to cope with the problem, â €? Said Prof. Mitchell.

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