The Hormone of Men: Myths About Testosterone

Testosterone is one of the most important hormones inside of a man’s body. Not only does it have a major impact on sexual health, but it also plays a significant role in bone density and muscular development. Taking testosterone supplements is an effective way to retain the optimum testosterone levels within the body. Unfortunately, there are quite a few misconceptions about testosterone. Here are some of the most common testosterone myths. 

Myth: Testosterone supplements are illegal. 
Unlike anabolic steroids, testosterone is 100 percent legal. Many health experts actually recommend that men over the age of 30 consider the use of testosterone supplements. Due to the fact that testosterone is naturally found in the bloodstream, testosterone supplements are extremely safe. 

Myth: Testosterone causes violent behavior.
Testosterone supplements do not have any impact on a person’s aggression. Some studies have even revealed that men with low levels of testosterone are more likely to have an unbalanced temperament. The risk of a “steroid rage” is non-existent. 

Myth: High levels of testosterone lead to premature balding.
Genetics is the main factor in male pattern baldness. Two men with the same levels of testosterone could have very different rates of hair growth. 

Myth: Testosterone harms the body.
Testosterone is very beneficial to a man’s body. Nature's Plus testosterone boosters is an example of hormones designed to improve a man’s energy levels, mood, and strength. Without adequate levels of testosterone, a man’s quality of life could decline dramatically over time.

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